It has been several weeks since we outlined our initial plans around ensuring that we provide a ‘business as usual’ service to our clients during these difficult times. As the current situation surrounding COVID-19 is changing so frequently, we wanted to issue an update and also share some news about some of the positive and exciting things that Strategy 365 have been working towards over the past few months.
It is easy to get wrapped up in the difficult situation that the country is currently enduring; however, it is also important that we adapt and plan for the future to come out of this stronger as a business, and to the advantage of all of our customers and partners.
Our offices remain closed until further notice for obvious reasons and we are ensuring that we are fully operational via home working. Please rest assured that our Support Desk and other services remain fully operational as usual. Please consider our office closure if sending post to our offices as there may be a slight delay in its retrieval.
To our existing clients – we will be rolling out a customer care programme starting in the early Summertime; however, this may be delayed due to the current COVID-19 situation. Once this programme commences, we would appreciate your time in helping us to understand how we are performing and how we may be able to add additional value to your business. Of course if there is anything you need to discuss in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
We have also been busy over the last few months preparing for a brand refresh and we hope to share more information on this in the coming weeks.
Finally, are you using Microsoft Teams to support your remote working, communications and collaboration? Teams comes with many of the Office 365 and Microsoft 365 plans and really helps during the current times with features such as videoconferencing, online meetings and record collaboration. Should you wish to discuss how Microsoft Teams can aid your business, feel free to speak to one of our experts.