Data Storage

Microsoft to begin enforcing storage limits from today

John PhillipsProduct Updates

Historically, Microsoft’s storage compliance within Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform has operated primarily on a trust basis. From today, August 10th, the first restriction for those tenants over their limits comes into effect.

What is the restriction?

For administrators looking to copy or restore an environment, this will no longer be possible if the tenant is over its storage quota. The ability to be able to restore from backups is a key feature of the Power Platform Admin Center, particularly after any important data loss, so it will now be important to maintain storage levels under the quota to ensure this feature remains available.

How can I check my current storage levels?

Administrators can access the Capacity page of the Power Platform Admin Center via this link or by browsing to Resources>Capacity within the Power Platform Admin Center itself. From here, you will be presented with two diagrams; this first showing the current Storage Capacity Usage:

Storage Capacity Summary

and the second showing the Storage Capacity By Source:

Storage Capacity By Source

This table shows how your available storage is calculated and will vary depending on the licences your organisation has purchased.

I’m currently over my storage quota(s) – what can I do?

There are two routes to take when it comes to managing storage:

  1. Delete unused data that may be unnecessarily taking up storage space. Microsoft have their own guide on how to achieve this but it is important to proceed with caution to prevent the deletion of business-critical data.
  2. Purchase additional storage.


It is little surprise that Microsoft have begun to enforce storage compliance and it is important for businesses to ensure they are under their own quotas should the need to restore or copy data arise. Further enforcement restrictions may be put in place in due course, so it is better to be aware of any issues now. For clients of Strategy 365 with existing support agreements who need assistance with reviewing their storage quota or wish to discuss the purchasing of additional storage, please get in touch.

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