Power Apps on window device

Learn how to run Power Apps on your Windows device

John PhillipsProduct Updates

Currently in preview, now you can install Power Apps for Windows to run a model-driven app or canvas app on your Windows device.

How to install Power Apps for Windows

To install Power Apps, follow these four steps:

  1. Go to the Microsoft Store and install Power Apps for Windows.
  2. Verify that you have WebView2 Runtime installed on your Windows device; go to Settings > Apps > Apps & features.
  3. Search for WebView and verify that you have version 99.0 or later installed. If you have an earlier version, then follow the steps in the WebView2 Runtimesection below.
  4. Open Power Apps for Windows and sign in.

It is important you have WebView2 Runtime installed or you will not be able to run your apps on Power Apps for Windows. You also need to have administrator rights on your Windows device to install WebView2. If you don’t have administrator rights, then your administrator will need to install it for you.

  1. To install WebView2 Runtime, download the WebView2 Runtime.
  2. Download version 99.0 or later. Installing an earlier version may cause Power Apps to crash.
  3. Under Evergreen Bootstrapper, select Download.
  4. Go over the licence terms and privacy statement and then select Accept and Download.
  5. When the download is complete, then run the MicroEdgeWebview2Setup.exe.


This is another useful feature introduced by Microsoft which helps improve the user experience. If you want to discuss this functionality or Power Apps in more detail, please feel free to get in touch.

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