Many online applications provide an option to undo the accidental deletion of a record and now this functionality has come to Microsoft Dataverse, the underlying data platform behind Dynamics 365 and Power Apps.
Although the deactivation of unwanted records is usually preferable to outright deletion, some users do require delete permissions and this can occasionally result in data getting deleted accidentally. Historically, if this occurred, the data was usually lost forever; although Dataverse backups and restores are an option, a business is unlikely to carry out this process for the sake of a single record. However, Microsoft have now introduced a Dataverse recycle bin – currently in Preview and available in some regions.
How do I enable the Dataverse Recycle Bin?
These are the steps to follow to enable the functionality:
- Navigate to the Power Platform Admin Center.
- Click Environments in the left menu and select the Environment for which you wish to enable the recycle bin.
- In the top navigation, click Settings
- On the Settings page, click Product and then Features:
- On the Features screen, scroll down until you see the Recycle Bin option (if you do not it, it may not be available in your region yet):
- Set this feature to On and enter the number of days you would like to retain data for – this can be set to anything up to 30 days.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
How do I restore a deleted record?
- Repeat steps 1-3 from above, but on the Settings screen, select Data Management, then View Deleted Records:
- Find and select the record you wish to restore and click the Restore button.
For additional information, please refer to Microsoft’s own documentation on this new feature.
It’s always good to see Dataverse gaining new functionality and in particular, a recycle bin is a feature that will benefit many organisations. If you are an existing client of Strategy 365 and need assistance in enabling this option for your own environments, get in touch with one of our experts today.